How's your day going? Tell the bunnies how you feel by hovering over and clicking on them! See how they react to your mouse or touch.
For this project, I used RIVE to animate the emoji and create interactivity. RIVE is a software and runtime designed for crafting interactive motion graphics for various platforms such as websites, apps, and games.
Summer AR project
Summer vibes are here! Living by the Hudson River in NY inspired me to create some playful friends enjoying the river.
To bring this idea to life, I used Adobe Aero, an AR tool. I started by animating in After Effects, then exported the animations to Aero for an interactive experience. Additionally, I used Lottie to transform these cute loop animations into web-friendly content.
Cavalry is a powerful 2D animation tool that unlocks endless creative possibilities! I've experimented with it to create some exciting animations :D