This project was created for Revolut, an all-in-one finance app, in celebration of their milestone of reaching 50 million global customers. The event took place at The Outernet London on November 22-23, 2024. Revolut highlighted individuals who have been revolutionary in their respective fields—spanning entertainment, gaming, and the arts. Notable participants included Charli XCX (Entertainment), TenZ (Gaming), and Sophie Tea (Arts). The initiative aimed to embody the brand’s ethos and aspirations for its customers while launching The Revolution List—a growing network of innovators designed to inspire others.
As part of the project, we created dynamic animations for large LED screens throughout The Outernet London. These included visuals for the event’s stage backdrop, an oversized arcade installation, and the welcoming ambient spaces. Using Revolut’s branding guidelines, we developed sleek 3D glass logo animations and other captivating visuals to elevate the event experience.
Creative Direction: CYCYMYMY / Amplify
Design Director: Cynthia Bryan
Animation Director: Kaz Ishii
Producer: Kristine Lin
Animation: Cathy Lin / Amy Wallace/ Snow Li